
Internal Refurbishment Works; 2025 - 2035



英语 (English)

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Published date: 28 June 2024

Last edited date: 2 September 2024

Open future opportunity - This means that the buyer is not yet ready to invite bid applications but early notification has been provided and some dialogue may be possible.

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Approach to market date: 9 October 2024

Contract summary


  • Overhaul and refurbishment work - 45453000

  • Refurbishment work - 45453100

  • Location of contract


    Value of contract


    Procurement reference


    Published date

    28 June 2024

    Approach to market date

    9 October 2024

    Contract start date

    31 March 2025

    Contract end date

    30 March 2035

    Contract type


    Procedure type

    Open procedure (above threshold)

    What is an open procedure (above threshold)?

    Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

    This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    Gentoo Group are seeking to procure at least 2 Principal Contractors to deliver its internal refurbishment programme for the next 10 years.

    The programme will consist of, but will not be limited to, the following works:
    - Kitchen replacements;
    - Bathroom replacements;
    - Electrical rewires;
    - Environmental improvements; and
    - Various other internal upgrades

    This opportunity is the largest procurement undertaken by Gentoo in terms of value. It will form part of the "Gentoogether" partnership, which is intended to increase the partnering ethos between Gentoo and its own supply chain, but also to encourage those appointed to the Partnership to collaborate with one another.

    This Procurement will contain 3 Lots, with one award made per Lot (3 separate Awards total). Only one award per Contractor is to be made.

    It is anticipated that over the course of the 10 year programme, approximately 15,000 properties will receive internal refurbishment works - this equates to 50% of Gentoo Group's housing stock. Therefore, this programme is of crucial importance to the Group to ensure it delivers its aims.

    The Tender is due to be issued on 9 October, with awards to be made early 2025 and a proposed start on site date of April/June 2025.

    More information

    Previous notice about this procurement

    Internal Refurbishment Works; 2025 - 2035

  • Future opportunity
  • Published 28 June 2024, last edited 2 September 2024
  • Spend profile

    This table displays the spend profile of the notice
    Financial year Budget
    2025/2026 £11,000,000
    2026/2027 £11,000,000
    2027/2028 £30,000,000


  • Tender notice
  • ⭐ Click above to Apply (link to e-procurement portal)
  • Additional text

    This Tender is now due to be issued on 9 October 2024

    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    David Major


    Emperor House
    Head Office
    SR3 3XR


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