
Market Consultation - Housing Management IT Transformation - Consultancy



英语 (English)

所属地区: --

所属机构: --


Published date: 14 May 2024

Last edited date: 14 May 2024

Open opportunity - This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.

Closing: 24 May 2024, 6pm

Contract summary


  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support - 72000000

  • Software programming and consultancy services - 72200000

  • Systems and technical consultancy services - 72220000

  • Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services - 72222000

  • Business and management consultancy and related services - 79400000

  • Location of contract

    PO1 2BJ

    Value of contract


    Procurement reference


    Published date

    14 May 2024

    Closing date

    24 May 2024

    Closing time


    Contract start date

    12 August 2024

    Contract end date

    30 April 2025

    Contract type

    Service contract

    Procedure type


    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    Portsmouth City Council's (PCC) are looking to procure external consultancy with extensive knowledge of housing management system transformation projects.

    The consultant will play a crucial role in assisting the local authority in the evaluation and procurement of a new housing management system aimed at enhancing efficiency within the team, automating manual processes, increasing user experience, and implementing resident-facing self-service functionality.

    The project has an estimated cost of approximately £80k-£95k. The Council is targeting to publish this tender in June 2024 with contract commencement August 2024 and completion by April 2025.

    We recognise the experience and innovation that suppliers can bring to these services. As such PCC would welcome your organisation's market information.

    Attached you will find a questionnaire for your completion. Please complete the sections that relate to the services that you provide.

    More information


  • Additional information on how to apply for this contract
  • Additional text

    Portsmouth City Council plan to go out to tender for Housing Management IT Transformation - Consultancy. Prior to this we would like to consult with the market and interested providers. Any information provided could be used to assist in drafting the final specification and tender documents.

    Interested parties should logon to In-tend using the link below for further details.

    To View the documents, hover over the Tenders tab and click on current, this will then show a list. If you are interested in any of those listed, click the View Details button for further information and to express your interest.

    This email has been sent to you as your company has registered its interest against the Business Category relevant to this subject matter.

    Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No

    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Procurement Service


    Guildhall Square
    PO1 2BJ
    United Kingdom


    023 9268 8235


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