
RFQ_128875 - Study on Better Evidencing Impacts Attributable to NMS Laboratories Work in Nanomedicines



英语 (English)

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Published date: 19 September 2024

Open opportunity - This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.

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Closing: 4 October 2024, 3pm

Contract summary


  • Market research services - 79310000

  • Location of contract

    TW11 0LW

    Value of contract

    £22,000 to £32,000

    Procurement reference


    Published date

    19 September 2024

    Closing date

    4 October 2024

    Closing time


    Contract start date

    17 October 2024

    Contract end date

    16 October 2025

    Contract type

    Service contract

    Procedure type

    Open procedure (below threshold)

    What is an open procedure (below threshold)?

    Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

    This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    The National Measurement System (NMS) provides the UK with an infrastructure of laboratories that deliver world-class measurement science and technology and provide traceable and accurate standards of measurement.
    The NMS focuses on major societal challenges, through the set-up of challenge areas which sit across measurement science functions. One of these challenge areas is 'Life Science and Health,' which aims to improve standards and methods across healthcare, contribute towards development and adoption of healthcare technologies through standardisation, and improve the delivery of healthcare services while helping to reduce costs.

    This RFQ invites applications for one of the four short-term health impacts studies that were identified by Ipsos in the scoping study. This study will aim to quantify the extent to which the work done by NMS laboratories (NPL and NML) in the field of nanotechnology enables growth among UK-based companies operating in this space, particularly nanomedicines

    To express interest in this tender please use the below URL. This will take you to a landing page where you can either Register (which you will need to do in order to access the tender documents if you are not already Registered). Once Registered please search for: ITT: itt_2497 - RFQ_128875 - Study on Better Evidencing Impacts Attributable to NMS Laboratories' Work in Nanomedicines


    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Gary Phillips


    Hampton Road
    TW11 0LW


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    首页 > 英国 > RFQ_128875 - Study on Better Evidencing Impacts Attributable to NMS Laboratories Work in Nanomedicines