
PS24207 - GPEx Delivery Model



英语 (English)

所属地区: --

所属机构: --


Published date: 30 September 2024

Open future opportunity - This means that the buyer is not yet ready to invite bid applications but early notification has been provided and some dialogue may be possible.

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Approach to market date: 25 October 2024

Contract summary


  • Research and development services and related consultancy services - 73000000

  • Location of contract

    United Kingdom

    Value of contract

    £0 to £115,000

    Procurement reference

    PS24207 - PIN

    Published date

    30 September 2024

    Approach to market date

    25 October 2024

    Contract start date

    29 November 2024

    Contract end date

    30 May 2025

    Procedure type

    Other: RM6126 Research & Insights DPS or Open Market

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    Description of the Project:

    UKRI is seeking a supplier to develop and test a model for delivering a Research Culture Good Practice Exchange (GPEx). This model must be tested and iterated with the wide breadth of stakeholders the GPEx is designed to serve.

    The goal of the Good Practice Exchange is to harness and consolidate existing activities relevant to research culture for the benefit of researchers, research itself, and society.

    The Exchange is for the full breadth of UK research and innovation disciplines and sectors. Sectors include, but are not limited to:
    • Academic (universities, research institutes, funders, networks);
    • Industry / the private sector (research institutes, research & development (R&D) departments, networks, human resources (HR)).
    • Public sector, including Government, NHS, public sector research establishments (PSREs) and public engagement organisations.
    • Third sector, including research-oriented charities and volunteering organisations.
    • Other organisations involved in facilitating and connecting research activities.
    • The wider public.

    ***Please review the supporting attachment for full details.***

    Closing date is Monday, 14th October 2024 at 12:00pm

    More information

    Spend profile

    This table displays the spend profile of the notice
    Financial year Budget
    2024/2025 £90,000
    2025/2026 £25,000


  • PS24207 - GPEx Delivery Model - EOI (Contracts Finder).docx
  • Notice of planned procurement

  • How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Maria Znaiko


    Polaris House, North Star Avenue
    SN2 1FF


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