
National Urban Gull Survey



英语 (English)

所属地区: --

所属机构: --

Short description
SPU CO16-2021  -  National Urban Gull Survey
Detailed description
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is responsible for the conservation of natural habitats and species and the protection of biological diversity in Ireland. Robust population estimates for each of our seven gull species breeding across a range of Ireland’s natural habitats have been derived in recent years. Over the last two decades or so some of our gulls species, particularly Herring Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull, have expanded their breeding distribution into urban areas. In order to inform and underpin sound conservation management measures, a better understanding of the numbers and distribution of these portions of these species in urban environments is required. Urban gulls present a challenge for survey and monitoring. The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) are working with other partners in the Seabird Monitoring Programme (SMP) to carry out a seabird census operating between Ireland and UK, known as Seabirds Count. This survey initiative uses a 1 km sample square design to estimate nesting gull abundance and distribution within a representative sample of urban habitats. These 1 km squares are used to model and estimate abundance at wider spatial scales, based on habitat availability. For Ireland the survey model requires 597 1 km urban squares across the country to be surveyed as per prescribed methods in May of 2021. NPWS of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage now invites tenders for provision of a team to carry out this Urban Gull Survey A detailed specification of the Department’s technical requirements is set out in the attached RfT document.

Type of Contract:
Contracting authority
Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht

23 Kildare Street

View profile
Paul Laycock

Response deadline  (Irish time)
16-04-2021 13:00
Main CPV code
90700000-4   Environmental services
CPV codes
90711500-9   Environmental monitoring other than for construction
90714000-5   Environmental auditing
90714400-9   Activity specific environmental auditing services




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