
Parent Carer Needs Assessment and Support



英语 (English)

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所属机构: --

Published date: 17 September 2024

Open early engagement - This means that a procurement idea is currently active, it is in the early stage of development and judging interest from potential suppliers.

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Closing date: 17 December 2024

Contract summary


  • Social services - 85320000

  • Location of contract

    NR1 2DH

    Procurement reference


    Published date

    17 September 2024

    Closing date

    17 December 2024

    Contract type

    Service contract


    Norfolk County Council's contract for the provision of Parent Carer Needs Assessment and Support service is due to end on the 31st of March 2025. The Council is currently scoping its requirements for a new contract to commence on the 1st of April 2025. Under the Children and Families Act (2014) parent carers have a right to a statutory assessment of their need for support if it is felt that they have needs for support, or if the parent carer requests an assessment. Additionally, under the Care Act 2014, there is a duty on local authorities to assess adult carers before the child they care for turns 18 (called a transitions assessment), if it appears the carer is likely to have needs for support once the child turns 18, and it would be of significant benefit for the carer to have a transitions assessment. The provider will be expected to provide high quality parent carer needs assessments and support to identified parent carers of children and young people who are aged up to 18 and who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), long term illness, mental health difficulties, substance misuse or other additional needs. This will include the provision of experienced, skilled, and qualified staff, who will develop key community partnerships and networks, helping parent carers navigate the right services, and will include the delivery of both 1-2-1 support and group work.
    The aim of the service will be to enable parent carers to improve their confidence in their ability to support and meet the needs of their child, helping to reduce crisis and need for other services, and improve relationships between parent carers and their family members including the cared for. The service will deliver this by improving the wellbeing of parent carers by reducing loneliness, isolation by providing opportunities to connect and meet other parents in a similar situation and improving their understanding of what support is available and enabling them to access this in a timelier way.

    The market engagement event is due to be held on Wednesday 25th September 10 am - 12 pm (this date may be subject to change).

    More information


  • Additional information on how to apply for this contract
  • Additional text

    Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No

    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Sarah-Louise Harrington


    Martineau Lane
    NR1 2DH
    United Kingdom





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